Keyword Spotting

The simplest voice-controlled applications map exact phrases to page actions. This is what the KeywordSpotter is for: it triggers different callbacks when a voice command EXACTLY matches one of the commands that you specify. This KeywordSpotter will fire an action for “turn on” and “turn off”:

// command handlers map voice commands to the actions they should trigger
const commandHandlers = {
    "turn on": () => { // this function triggers when the user says "turn on"...
        document.querySelector("body").style.backgroundColor = "white"
    "turn off": () => { // ... and this one triggers when they say "turn off"
        document.querySelector("body").style.backgroundColor = "black"

const keywordSpotter = Moonshine.KeywordSpotter(commandHandlers)

Then we simply pass in the KeywordSpotter when we create a transcriber:

var transcriber = new Moonshine.MicrophoneTranscriber(
    true // VAD enabled


Note that we enabled voice activity detection—this is highly recommended when you are using voice control.